Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Hello You....New Updates about Me

Hello Everyone

OMGEE I know that it has been ages since you've heard from me but i have been okay. I have been doing my best to stay on top and inspired.

If i didn't mention before i work for myself now in a salon...Hurray....Go Me, lol. Yes yall i stepped out and is doing my thang. Now bc i am a newbie on the scene i have come across the common challenges of productivity yet in the process i have learned much and is steady pushing forward. Along with that, i am attempting to endure the process of dreading up on my natural hair journey. BC i don't particular care for the starter stage i began with the finger coil method and quickly moved to the interlock method which has been good to me thus far. I must admit that one day i got the cutting fever and shaved the back of the neck off...approx. ear to ear straight across. I really like it and as of now i plan to keep it like this throughout my journey from this point on  keeping that area shaved. Now, discipline will be necessary on my part from this time forth to stay out of the barber chair, pray for me. LoL, no like for real bc even when i was in the chair i was envisioning other styles that i would like to try that would require cutting off more. So pray yall, keep a sistah in prayer before i go and do a big top #2.

Anyhoo, that is bout all for now. :) Me and my spiritual walk with Christ is growing and forever being tested. Thank God for Jesus; bc even through the trying times i know that i am never without His guidance and protection. So this is all for now yet i will stop by sooner than later, God's will.

God Bless

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Hey Guys

     I pray that all is well. I am so glad to be finished with my spring semester bc there was a moment when i thought i might not make it through BUT GOD !!!
So outside of that i have been working in the shop (braiding hair) pretty regular. It surprises me every time i look at the calendar and see that it is full or filling quickly. I do see myself meeting two of my short term goals that i set for myself very soon. HURRAY HURRAY!!!
Then i am still working my day job that brings me joy and makes me stronger daily which is a good plus and balance.

It has been a while since i have posted a video on my channel www.youtube.com/naturallyinlove ; yet i do plan to post more since I'm taking a break from the school books. Other than that i am doing well and just moving forward in whole life progress.

Smuchies & God Bless

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Hi Guys !!!

What's up Yall !!!
lol, no for real I hope and pray that everyone is doing well. As for me, i have been keeping pretty busy. Every since i started braiding hair professioally; extra time has become more like a fantsy that is far out of grasp.

Nevertheless, all is well!!

Right now I am rocking some yarn braids that i mixed with a little red to make it interesting!! I have been receiveing some good feedback so I may repeat. Whenever you get a chance i invite you to check out the facebook fanpage. The address is www.facebook.com/GiftedHandsBraidingBeautique
and when you do leave a comment on the wall or here letting me know what you think.

So signing out until next time
Smuchie & God Bless

Monday, March 12, 2012

A Step in the Right Direction

Well guys your girl is feeling real good about now.

Last week i finally receieved my letter for the LLR (License,Labor & Registration) board. I took my online exam and did very well. So with that finally in motion i was feeling good about moving forward with my desire and vision to braid hair professionally.
So i had prepared myself to wait as they send me my acceptance letter and scheduling for part II of the registration process. Yet wait.....what is it that i see in the mailbox, only 3 days post taking the exam...

Yes people it is my offical license that permits me to braid hair professionally.. I am so excited i dont know what to do with myself....besides rejoyce and continue to give God thanks and praise.

I just wanted to use this time to give you guys an update of my world as well as encourage whomever to contiue to pursue those deep desires that you have... Pray and keep the faith for God has not forgotten.
Love you all and Happy Monday!
Smuchies & God Bless

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Aint that just Adorale !!!!

     I was taking the children to the restroom and while we were in there one of the kids began to sing one of the nursery rhymes; :'0
 it was so adorable i just didn't know what to do with myself. I did my best not to laugh to hard bc i didn't want her to stop singing. I mean you may think that the child is not retaining the information but they really are.

Even though she couldn't make out all the words you still understood what she was saying... The growth and maturing of kids over time is so amazing.

I just wanted to share that bc it brought joy to my heart...
Be blessed everyone

Monday, February 13, 2012

From Me to All of You

Hello everyone, i pray that your day is blessed and smothered in love. From family, friends and mostly our Lord. I am so happy to be alive and share this day with everyone around me. While i was doing some other clipping and posting i ran across a few poems tha i should share. i hope that they bring a little cheer as they did to me. Know that God luvs you more than anyone else can. So whenever in doubt or just in need of reassureance breath in/out look up and call His name- JESUS. He awaits to hear the call of His children/people and He freely showers down His luv upon us. God Bless & Smuchies !!!! :P Love In Christ On Valentine’s Day, I think of my Christian brothers and sisters with love... hoping to help, hoping to encourage. hoping to serve, as Jesus commanded. I want you to know that I am thinking of you, and I want you to call on me for help, encouragement and service whenever you need me. On Valentine’s Day, I send my love in Christ. By Joanna Fuchs What Valentine Can I Give Him? What can I give to Jesus On this special Valentine’s Day? How can I tell Him I’ll love Him, And follow Him, come what may? How can I show I need Him? Should I send a red heart, with lace? How can I thank Him enough For his sacrifice, love and grace? What Valentine can I give Him, My adoration to impart? I’ll give to Him what He wants most; I’ll yield to Him my heart. By Joanna Fuchs Love from Jesus This Christian Valentine message sends you love I got from Jesus, love I learned from the gospels, found in His words, His actions, His example. This Christian Valentine saying conveys love I didn’t have before I was saved, couldn’t relate to or understand before I gave my life to the Lord. On Valentine’s Day, know that I love you and want to lift you up, encourage you and serve you. Happy Valentine’s Day! By Joanna Fuchs God’s Valentine Gift God’s Valentine gift of love to us Was not a bunch of flowers; It wasn’t candy, or a book To while away the hours. His gift was to become a man, So He could freely give His sacrificial love for us, So you and I could live. He gave us sweet salvation, and Instruction, good and true-- To love our friends and enemies And love our Savior, too. So as we give our Valentines, Let’s thank our Lord and King; The reason we have love to give Is that He gave everything. By Joanna Fuchs

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Have you ever been trying to complete a task or assignment and reached the point where you could EXCEL then say/think "FINALLY".

That's where i am right now. OMGOOOOOOODNESSS !!
lol, i thought i would never complete my math homework. And what makes it any funnier to me is all i complete was part I i still have two more parts to go and a test to take. LAWD BE WITH ME!!

Yet i could let this moment go by without encouraging all my ppl(people) to keep PUSHING to the mark of COMPLETION. it is well worth it. Whether it is life decision, business moves, your faith walk with Christ....whatever! know that you are not alone and you will make it through the feeling of am i ever gonna be done or anxiously looking for the end sign or next exit ramp, lol.
Everything that we go through and face is for our good bc the end result is understanding, lesson learn, and/or rewards.

So i just wanted to share that lil bit of encouragement with you. Pray with me and I Pray for you and the World.
Scripture that comes to mind "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Philippians 4:13
marinate,lol (meditate) on that and be blessed.
Smuchies & God Bless